As we move into the second phase of the COVID-19 lockdown relaxing, we have seen certain age groups within primary schools and early years setting re-open from 1st June. More and more workplaces are now allowed to re-open; however, employers are still required to undertake a risk assessment to say they have done as much as reasonably practicable to make them “COVID-19 Secure”. This is where our health and safety services come in.

The government, in conjunction with the HSE, business leaders and unions, have produced detailed guidance for the businesses allowed to open from 15th June during Phase 2 of the relaxing of lockdown measures. Each business area has its guidance document advising on what should be considered when completing their COVID-19 risk assessment.

As with many Health and Safety requirements, input from various people within your organisation is very important. Likewise, having a fresh pair of eyes with experience in various work sectors can be helpful too. The government’s guidance is still, where possible, to work from home, but for businesses like manufacturing, factories, plants, warehousing, and construction, this requires people to return to their workplace.

The link above gives good guidance on what employers can do to make their site COVID Secure, but it is also worth ensuring that businesses take a pragmatic approach. We have all seen the supermarkets with signs advising on social distancing and of course staff need reminding of this in their workplace. Simple procedures can be drawn up, and our health and safety consultancy services advise you cover things such as:

  • The one-way system around the workplace
  • Use of welfare facilities
  • Looking at staff bubbles (teams that are not all in the office at the same time)
  • Staggered shift patterns
  • Increased cleaning procedures
  • Personal hygiene requirements

Here at Line Business Services, with our workplace health and safety services, we have a team of consultants with experience across a wide range of business sectors. Our consultants can work with you to assist in undertaking the COVID-19 risk assessment. This will provide you, as the employer, your employees, and customers, the confidence that this risk assessment has been done correctly and independently reviewed.


If you would like to discuss how Line Business Services’ health and safety services can help you with your COVID-19 Risk Assessment, contact us on 0117 986 2194 or at


Staying COVID Secure With Our Health and Safety Services